DESCRIPTION: Keep your chakras stimulated, energized and balanced with a gemstone chakra bracelet. Bracelets are made with gemstone beads that correspond to the 7 chakras. (Garnet, carnelian, honey jade, green aventurine, turquoise, sodalite and amethyst beads). A pewter-toned Flower of Life charm adorned with chakras stones completes the design.
Fits most.
SYMBOL: The 7 rainbow colors are associated to the chakras and the endocrine system. Violet, crown of the head, pituitary gland is our connection with universal energies. Indigo, middle of forehead, pineal gland represents forgiveness & compassion. Blue, throat, Thyroid gland is our physical & spiritual communication. Green, heart, thymus gland is for love and sense of responsibility. Yellow, solar plexus, adrenal glands represent power and ego. Orange, lower abdomen, pancreas gland is associated with emotion and sexuality. Red, base of the spine, gonad glands represent grounding and survival. The Flower of Life is a template that contains all other geometrical forms. It is a path to spiritual awakening and toward the unity of all consciousness. This structure forms the basis of musical harmony. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division.